Custom Services
Pacific Studios Copyrighted Images
Pacific Studios can create Custom Backdrops from any of our current backdrop images or from our stock image library. Custom Backdrops can be created to meet your size, crop and Photoshop requirements.

Customer Owned Images
Pacific Studios will gladly create a backing from customer supplied images. All customer supplied images are considered purchases as we do not retain the copyright. Please contact us for file requirements.
Our Custom Services include: Location Photography, Digital Manipulation, Resizing and Re-Cropping , Printing for Front Lighting, Backlighting or both (Day/Night), Multiple Media Output

Look what’s new: Pacific Studios Foldable Backdrops (PSF)
Pacific Studios is proud to announce that we now can create your custom backdrop to be folded and shipped with ease. Big savings in both storage space and shipping costs. Please call our office for more details 323-653-3093. Samples available.